Sunday, November 30, 2008
we are here! (and have been:)
Posted by Weems World at 8:05 AM 3 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
We are MOVING!!!

Posted by Weems World at 6:40 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
And then....
Well-it has been a long time since we have posted anything-and for that-I am to blame. Laziness-yes, bad internet connection, yes, nothing to report, maybe. So I am posting-I actually have a computer to post from-that I can upload pictures where it doesn't take 8 hours:)
Things have been busy around our house lately. Luke has started school-4K, and he loves it. It's funny watching him at school when I drop him off and pick him up. He is so different. He is quiet and calm-not that he isn't these things when he is at home-but so much more so when I see him at school. It's good though-he behaves so well while he is there-makes me a proud MaMa:) He is still Soooooo into Power Rangers-he likes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Transformers-but he LOVES Power Rangers. He will play it by himself-or he will rope Emma Grace into playing it with him. I have even seen him playing with LaLa-pretending she is the maiden to be saved. They play so well together-We are blessed.
Emma Grace is my little princess. She loves being with Mommie. She enjoys helping me cook, and loves to dress up with make-up and fingernail polish. I love it because she is like my little doll-baby that I can dress up however I want-neato! She could have started 3K this year-but the cost of having 2 in preschool-a little much. But she will be in 4K next year-and she is so mature for her age-one year of preschool should be more than enough to prepare her for "big school" (elementary)
LaLa is still my sweet baby. She still likes being treated like a baby too. Still loves her Sassy (which should be gone by now, but I can't bring myself to take away..) But she also has such an independent streak. I guess a lot of that has to do with being the 3rd child. She has to be able to fend for herself with an older brother and sister who DO NOT treat her like a baby. They love her-but will not let her get away with anything....When Luke and Emma Grace were her age-I was already very pregnant again-so they seemed like such big kids. But she still seems like such a baby to me-but I love it-until I get pregnant again...:)
We do have another puppy. Alex is 9 months old now-pretty much full grown (which means-huge!)
One morning we woke up to a blonde puppy on our front porch. Me-knowing better-put food out because he was obviously hungry. So of course he didn't go anywhere. He stayed out there for a few days-until one Wednesday night I got home from church and Steven said "Alex kept climbing the fence to play with the puppy-so I just put him in the backyard" So-that was it. I put up signs in the neighborhood-but no one replied. So we have a new Puppy-Hurkey. Luke named him-where he got the name Hurkey from-I don't know-but I think it's cute...He is about 4 months old-the two puppies get along wonderfully-and Hurkey is great with the kids!
Please keep our family in your prayers as we seek what God would have for us..
Here are some pictures-now that I have rambled for 10 years.....

Posted by Weems World at 10:51 AM 2 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
My personality
Here is a neat site to find out your career personality.. you can follow the link and see my results and take the test for yourself:)
View my Career Direct personality profile
Posted by Weems World at 6:46 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Okay-so I'm a horrible blogger...
Well, I noticed it has been a whole month since I have posted, and in my defense-we just got done with VBS. And for those of you who have ever directed or been involved with the directing of VBS-it is almost a 24-7 job. This weekend the family (Weems side) are having a family yard sale. After moving from our almost 2000 sq ft house in Hamilton-to our 1196 sq ft house here-we have had to downsize. So I have a TON of stuff to price and sell this Thursday and Friday. Which will be nice when I make money-but my goodness I hate pricing all this crud.
We had a super great VBS-it all went very smoothly. I have directed 4 VBS in my day-but this was the first Baptist VBS I have directed-it was great. I really love our church. People showed more support, financially and otherwise, that we could even comprehend. (Sometimes I wish people were as enthusiastic about other church programs {Outreach anyone...})
But I am glad it is over-I feel like I abandoned my family during this past month-but Steven has been a trooper-getting the kids ready for bed every night. Making sure they were at church dressed in the outfits I laid out, fed and ready to go.
The kids are growing-here are some updates.
Luke: He is really getting to be a big-boy. He wants to help, and wants to be able to do things on his own-without help. So he has been doing household chores to help Mommy. He has been very affectionate the past few months-which I love. for a few years there-he didn't want to be cuddled-but now he does. He will start 4k in August-and he is super excited. He loves Sunday School, and church in general. He goes to "Kowfield" which is the preschool version of CHildren's Church-and they have worship time in there. He comes home singing these praise and worship songs-and I know that I am biased, but this kid can sing. He can keep tempo, pitch, appropriate volume. I am very impressed with his musical ability.
Emmy: Turned 3 last Saturday!! This girl is a diva. She loves to play house. SHe loves Baby dolls, and being the Mommy. SHe always wants Luke to be "Jake" the Daddy-to which he always replies-no I wanna be Lukey. We have to keep the attitude in check with this one-which I hear is common in girls this age. She tends to put her hand on her hip and get the "sassy" face & tone, and has to be reminded that we talk sweet in our house... She likes to help Mommy cook, and loves it when she gets to cook something herself without mommy's help. SHe is very girly in the fact that she wants to be dressed up and have hair & fingernails done-but she will squish a bug with her bare fingers if you let her. She is rapidly catching up with Luke in the learning department. By next year I think they will almost be on the same page. They will only be one year apart in school.
LaLa: We are now calling Baby Lauren "LaLa" She is growing more every day. She walks and climbs and runs---fast when she has something she's not supposed to... She is just beginning to try to talk. She has been slower than the other two in this department, but I am not pushing her-she will in her own time. But she does say Mama, Dada, no-no, dog, hey, and night-night. She is very opinionated. Even though she can't say it with words-there is no question what LaLa wants at any given time. I guess being the 3rd child, she has learned to defend herself as well. she don't take no crap off a nobody:) She is a great eater-but still is little. I mean she's in the 90th percentile in the height, and 25th in the weight-so she's not actually all that little-but she still seems little, and people always think she is younger than she is. But that's okay with me-I love little ones:) She is still taking 3 naps a day-but we are trying to move to a 2 nap schedule, while synchronizing one of those with Luke & Emmy's afternoon nap. We'll let you know how that works... She is just now starting to get a little bit of hair. But WILL NOT let me put bows or anything in it. Emmy always would-Lauren, not so much.
But that's a brief overview of the kiddos-oh, almost forgot #4-Alex (the dog)
Alex: he is getting huge-but is still such a sweet boy. he loves to be inside, but being so huge and stinky-he diesn't get inside as often as he would like. But he does have a girlfriend dog next door now-a bloodhound puppy-so he is happy. He is chewing up everything the kids leave outside, including the power cord to our treadmill. I don't know how he did it without electrocuting himself... But we love him-he is the perfect family dog-and he even poops in his designated areas-yaye!!


(Mommy & Daddy's friends Jen & Kaleb)
Posted by Weems World at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mommy and Daddy at the beach
This week Mommy and Daddy got to go to the beach....by themselves......for the first time in 6 years. It was super fun-but by the second day-we were missin our babies. We went to Panama City Beach-and it was great. We had really nice weather, and it was nice to be able to relax and get some solid sleep. We did however overestimate the power of spf 4, and both got a little krispy on the first day-whoops! But hopefully that will fade to tan. We had a great time with each other-but were very happy to be back in the chaos:)

Mommy lookin burnt but having fun at the beach
Posted by Weems World at 4:11 PM 4 comments
Friday, May 02, 2008
my first cake:)!!!

Posted by Weems World at 7:40 PM 14 comments
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
New 'Do
Well, I've been saying I was gonna do it for a while-and I did it. Emmy no longer has the baby curls she was born with. She now officially has been "styled" She is so proud of it, she showed EVERYONE at church-"look at my haircut"-yaye!
Posted by Weems World at 7:03 PM 1 comments
A-Day at Auburn, and a good wireless signal:)
Okay-so I haven't posted in a few days. With the cloudy weather we've been having here-it's hard to get a strong enough wireless signal to upload pictures. And a post without pictures is just boring:))
This past weekend we went to A-Day at Auburn with a couple we are good friends with, and Luke and Emmy. It was lots of fun. Great weather, good food, and the kids really behaved themselves. Couldn't have asked for more!
Here are some pictures Okay-this has nothing to do with A-Day, but it's sweet seeing all of them eating at the table together.

Posted by Weems World at 11:38 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
How do you house train kids???

Posted by Weems World at 7:09 PM 1 comments