Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Our busy weekend:)

Well, this past weekend Mommy & the kids ventured back to visit our friends in Hamilton. We got there Saturday afternoon and stayed til Sunday night. We stayed with our beloved Grammy & PopPop, who treated us like we were their children while we lived there, we miss them:(

We got to go play with our friends the Serena's, who have a 3 year old son Bryson-who is Lukey's bestest friend. Bryson's mommy Marla is one of Mommy's very good friends.

Sunday night was an event called "Hamilton Idol". Much like American Idol, featuring a Randy, Paula & Simon. However-the talent leaves something to be desired. It is all parody and lipsyncing (spelling?). This year I chose to portray Michael Jackson and perform "Billie Jean"-dancing & all. Hideous-yes, Hilarious-yes. As great as I was, the winner was even better. She dressed up in full outfit as Dolly Parton, and actually sang 9 to 5. It was hilarious. Shout out to Rebekah Wiginton-You deserved it!

Here are some pics of the weekend

Luke and Bryson on the tractor


You have to click to enlarge to fully appreciate this one

My wig kept falling off while dancing

Pop Pop & Emma Grace in the pool

Luke jumping in the pool

Grammy holding Baby Lauren


melissalee said...

You have to be the best looking Micheal Jackson ever! I'm sure it was funny. I'm glad I got to see you guys even if it was just for a little while. I still haven't got to hold baby Lauren!! I hope the kids liked there toys. Talk to you soon! I miss you guys.