Monday, April 23, 2007

It's just another day here at MawMaw's......

Well, we haven't really been doing anything exciting around here, but here are some new pics anyway:) If you remember us, please pray that Steven would find where God wants him-SOON!!!!!

Luke doing his silly dance

Emma Grace looking inconspicuous after stealing Luke's Pez dispenser

Baby Lauren sleeping-not real exciting, but you can see how chubby she's starting to look.

These are three of our girl cousins-they stay here a lot of the time too:)
Olivia-5, Savannah-8, and Erika-4

Sunday, April 22, 2007

New pics of baby lauren

Here are some new pics of baby lauren.

See how chubby my cheeks are now!

Here's a picture of my monkey toes-the pediatrician says that I will be a tall girl.

Here's me wide awake, at 11 o'clock at night when I should be sleeping!

Here's me staring at my Daddy. I've started smiling a little now, I will try to smile for the camera as soon as I can~

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A little of everything

Here are new pics, no rhyme or reason to them-just random:)

Emma Grace showing all of us her muscles-impressive!

Baby Lauren asleep on my baby's daddy

This is how Baby Lauren gets calmed down when mommy can't nurse at that exact moment-PawPaw walks the halls with her propped up on his shoulder just like this-sweet.

This is a pic of some of the cousins listening to the Easter Story as read by MawMaw.

Emma Grace proving to us that she REALLY IS IN THE TERRIBLE TWOS!!!!

My first bath!

Well, Baby Lauren's umbilical cord FINALLY fell off, after holding onto it for 25 days. But a cute belly button it did make. Here are some pics of the first real bath. (It's in the sink because our baby bathtub doesn't fit on MawMaw & PawPaw's sink)

Am I supposed to like this?

Wait a Minute.....

Yeah, I think I liked that!

Friday, April 06, 2007

jammies, favorite spots & pretty girls

Today was uneventful, but here are some new pics.

Emma Grace looking pretty in her new dress she got from Granny (Cheryl Morgan)

Emma Grace again looking pretty in her cherry jammies. We're trying to grow her bangs out so they're plastered to the side of her head with hairspray trying to train them to stay that way, that's why her hair is so Chris Farley in the "Down by the River" skit.

Luke looking cool in his Incredibles jammies-his favorite

Baby Lauren in her new favorite spot, the mini swing. Gives Mommy time to get things done & spend some time with Bubba & Sissy.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Professional pics

Well, today we took the kids for professional pictures. Mommy & MawMaw got up this morning and took the kids and Erika to get Easter pictures. Here they are.

Aren't we precious?

is Baby Lauren okay?-Emma Grace

Peaceful sweet baby

Sunday, April 01, 2007

More pics for mimi


Just a few more pics today, since MiMi wanted to see her with her eyes open, and I finally got some pictures today

Why am I not eating right now?

Don't I look like my big brother?

Emma Grace being silly

Weems girls, aren't we cute?

First Church Experience for Baby Lauren

Well, today was our first church experience with baby Lauren, and without Daddy to help. Not so bad-except that Baby Lauren has gotten used to nursing all the time, so asking her to go any amount of time awake without wating while being quiet was a little much to ask. Soooo, Mommy was in and out of the service a lot. Since we haven't found a home church yet, Daddy went to a big church in Birmingham that he had always wanted to check out, and since Mommy didn't want to drag 3 kids into a church we had never been to before, She took the opportunity to go to church with Aunt Kathy & Uncle Jim. It worked out really good because we got to go to lunch at Guadalajara (mexican restaurant) afterward, Daddy's favorite. Luke & Emma Grace got to go to Sunday School, and they enjoyed themselves. Luke got to go in Erika's class, and Aunt Kathy was Emma Grace's teacher today. Mommy took some pictures of us when we got home, of course Baby Lauren is sleeping again, but at least you can see a little how her face is filling out.

Also, Luke, Daddy & PawPaw went to the Thomas & Friends carnival this past Friday. There is a railroad museum and once a year Thomas & His Friends come to town. They get to ride Thomas, meet all the characters & ride rides, etc... all revolving around Thomas. They had a great time.
When are we gonna ride already?

Look at how cool I am!

See my pretty smile?

Wake up for a picture? You've got to be kidding me!

Hurry up already!

I just think it's funny to see people scramble to figure out what's wrong with me!