Wednesday, March 28, 2007

tractors, trucks, & bein a little skeered

Well, I'm about ready to go insane being around the house all day without getting out, but the kids love it. Today PawPaw rode Luke & Erika (cousin) around in the tractor trailer. Emma Grace is scared to ride because it is so loud-so she and Daddy watched from the back of Daddy's truck, much better. Lauren woke up this morning at 5am and decided it was time to be awake-WIDE AWAKE, much to Mommy's dismay. So now she has been sleeping all day while Mommy has to do chores and can't get a nap-Cripes!!!

Here are new pics from today.

PawPaw riding the kids

Emma Grace & Daddy-Safe & Secure in the back of the truck

Checkin' it out-from a safe distance, while holding Daddy

All Done, back to the fenced in back yard-Awww Man!

Baby Lauren making a pouty face-sleeping the day away!

Monday, March 26, 2007

10 days old!

Well, we made it to 10 days old without Emma Grace trying to carry the baby outside to play in the sand, we consider this a victory! Here is baby Lauren taking a big nap in her bassinet. She has been sleeping so well the past few nights, only waking up once to eat-Yaye Lauren!!!

Emma Grace looking fabulous modeling the new Spring Line

Emma Grace showing us how she can love the baby "GENTLY!!!"

Luke being his normal self

Getting clean after a hard day of playing outside. When we lived in Hamilton the kids would get a bath every other day-here they have to get one AT LEAST once a day, lots of fun playing in the dirt!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

things around here!

Well, things are beginning to slow down a bit here. Baby Lauren is up every 2-3 hours at night to eat, but she is sleeping in-between so we are too. Luke and Emma Grace still love her and aare very loving with her (notice I didn't say gentle!) Luke is very soft with her and knows what is okay and what isn't. Emma Grace on the other hand is a little "Lenny" (mice & men reference) with her, but still sweet nontheless.

These pictures are of Baby Lauren freshly bathed in her favorite vibrating seat, Emma Grace riding big brother's 4 wheeler, what a big girl! And Luke-man, let's just say he's practicing for being a grown man-hilarious!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Baby Lauren's Here!

Well, she's here!

Friday afternoon, Lauren Elizabeth Weems made her way into this world.

She was 7 lbs, 3 oz & 20.5 inches long. She had a very pink/olive complexion from the get-go. She is a fiesty eater & great pooper. Other than that she sleeps. She has the hairline of a 50 yearold man, let's just say she'll be wearing some bows till that changes. Here are some pics of her, I will post more as we take them.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

8 more days?!?!?!?!

Okay, had a doctor's appt today and I am 3-4 cm dialated, still 80% effaced, and measuring at 40 weeks, which means that the baby will be, from the doctor's prediction, 8-8.5 lbs, and she is long. SOOOOOOO, any day now, and the doctor cancelled my next thursday appt, since it really wouldn't matter what happens next thursday, I will be induced Friday regardless (unless I go into labor before then) which at this point is pretty likely.

Here is a picture of my hugely hideous belly today, for those of you not married or no children-pretty good birth control looking at all these stretch marks! ha

Also, a fabulous pic of Emma Grace with her freshly brushed teeth she loves to show off:)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

once again!

Okay, I forgot. When I went to the doctor last Thursday, I was already 80% effaced and 2 cm dialated, so if I don't have the baby before then, she will definately induce me on the 16th. And on a much grosser note, I lost my mucus plug yesterday, so any time now!!!

more pics

peace and quiet!

Here are some pics of the kids, thought they were cute sleeping after a fun filled morning of playing outside. Here also are some pictures of our farewell supper at HUMC. It was really sad, but nice to know how much we were loved. I look hideous and swollen, but I am 9 months pregnant and had been crying a good portion of the day. Steven has an interview at a church next monday night, so keep him in your prayers!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

14 more days!!!!!

Okay, exactly 2 weeks from tomorrow I should be delivering baby Lauren. I get "checked" (you women know what I'm talking about, you men don't want to!) tomorrow to see how far dialated I am so far. If I can get to 3-4 centimeters by the morning of the 15th, then she will induce me on the 16th. I will be exactly 38 weeks by then, and I was already 4 centimeters when I was that far along with Emma Grace. So I will be eating lots of spicy foods, walking, stretching, etc. until then. Don't have any real recent pics, but here are some newer ones anyways.