Sunday, May 24, 2009


Okay, I know every post I open up with how sorry I am for not posting in such a long time....well, who am I to break tradition. SORRY!!! :)

A few things have happened since I last posted.

#1-We are going to have another BABY!!!! Sometime around the beginning of the year baby #4 will be joining the fam. Troy Douglas is the name for the boy, and we haven't come up with a girl name yet-we are taking suggestions. I just started feeling icky 2 days ago-but no peuking yet, so we will see how that goes.

#2-LaLa is pretty much potty trained

#3-Luke starts big school kindergarten in the fall, needless to say he is a little bit excited

#4-Emma Grace will start 4k kindergarten in the fall-she is super excited to get to start school

#5-My brother is getting married August 8th to his girlfriend of 8 years, Andrea Tinsley. Luke is the ring bearer, and Emmy is the flower girl. They are so excited!!

Things are going great in Stevenson. I still miss my friends terribly, and get kinda bored at the house, but we love the church-and Steven loves his job. The church is really growing-and we are seeing God do great things in this small town.

Here are some pictures of the past few months-sorry again that it's been so long!!

The fam at Easter (luke and LaLa were ready for lunch-not more pictures for the love!!)

Luke and Emmy ay the church Easter Egg hunt

Luke and his cousin/best friend Gabriel at the family Easter party

The girls at the Birmingham Botanical gardens (nice fake smiles girls:)

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Christmas is over-now for the spring!!!

It's funny how everyone can't wait for winter to get here, and get relief from the heat-but then once the cold is here-we can't wait for the warm weather to be able to get outside!

We had a wonderful Christmas-other than the fact that we didn't get to see my family-but we will soon I'm sure.

We had Steven's huge family (appx 75) on December 13th, then went back on the 23rd for his immediate family (20). Then we drove back from Birmingham on Christmas Eve-so Santa could bring our stuff to our house:)

We usually wake the kids up on Christmas morning so we can be sure to be awake-and they can all see what Santa brought at the same time.

Here are some pictures of Christmas morning...

Please remember to keep the sale of our house in your prayers. We are open to renting now-but are still in a contract with our realtor until the end of March. It is a bit of a struggle to pay two mortgages a month...pray...

LaLa with her new play kitchen

Luke on his new razor scooter

Scary Light Saber
What else is down there???
The Christmas cookies the kids made for santa-I'm sure he enjoyed them:)
Woah-there's stuff in here too?? Luke's Christmas night Jammies
LaLa's Christmas night Jammies Emma Grace's Christmas night jammies (always the princess)

Our cool dress up stuff from Granny & Grandpa

Our sweet angel in the Christmas pageant

And Luke-the ever ready shepherd