Wednesday, April 02, 2008

New 'Do

Well, I've been saying I was gonna do it for a while-and I did it. Emmy no longer has the baby curls she was born with. She now officially has been "styled" She is so proud of it, she showed EVERYONE at church-"look at my haircut"-yaye!

What a big girl

A-Day at Auburn, and a good wireless signal:)

Okay-so I haven't posted in a few days. With the cloudy weather we've been having here-it's hard to get a strong enough wireless signal to upload pictures. And a post without pictures is just boring:))
This past weekend we went to A-Day at Auburn with a couple we are good friends with, and Luke and Emmy. It was lots of fun. Great weather, good food, and the kids really behaved themselves. Couldn't have asked for more!
Here are some pictures

Okay-this has nothing to do with A-Day, but it's sweet seeing all of them eating at the table together.

Us after the game-you'll see in a moment why Luke has his head down:(

This is called a t-3. It's what the University Police get around on. The nicest poslice officer let Luke get on it and do the lights, siren, etc. Luke got to stay on it for like 5 minutes while Steven was getting autographs. Then he had to get off-needless to say-he was not a happy camper.
Here are the pictures of the super cool face tats that the kids got to wear-they both thought they were cool!
Here's Luke and his new best friend-Mr Kaleb. He followed Mr Kaleb around all day-sitting by him-having the same food as him-riding on his shoulders. He loves him. And Mr Kaleb is so sweet to him. They had a great time. Oh yeah-and that's his fiance-Ms Jennifer, Mommy's good friend.

Just a cute picture of my girlie