Wednesday, September 05, 2007

2 more days............well, sorta

Well, we close on the new house in 2 days-excited, just a little:)

However, much to our dismay-we cannot move in until Monday:(
In the contract-the old owner has 72 hours after closing to move out. She told us a month ago that she would be out long before then-so we would be able to move right on in-well, when we got there to do the final walk-thru yesterday, lo and behold there was about half of her stuff still in there:( So she won't be all moved out until Sunday afternoon. Now, all of this after we have rented the u-haul, lined up people to help us move, set up cable, power, water, gas, etc...
So now it looks like Steven and me-muscle woman, will be moving all by our lonesomes on Monday:)So, if you have nothing to do this monday-and want to help-give us a call:)

On a much lighter note-Luke turned 4 yesterday-woohoo!!!
Granny and Grandpa sent birthday presents, and it was like a SpiderMan Christmas. He got just about everything SpiderMan you could think of. He also got some Spidy stuff from Mommy & Daddy & MawMaw & PawPaw. He was way pumped about it.
We will have his birthday party on September 30th, so we can have the party at the new house after everything has settled down a bit:) I will post pics after that!

Here are some pics of the new house-sorta hard to tell what's going on in some of them, and it's not our stuff in there-but you'll get the idea!

View from when you first walk in the front door
View of back yard from the carport
View of the den "Auburn Room" from the kitchen
View of the kitchen from the Auburn room
Our one lonely bathroom:)
Living room again from other angle
View of dining room from the Auburn Room
My Mailbox-I just think it's cute
View from Dining Room to back door
Back Deck
Luke Man with his cool new Spider Man light-up shoes
I made cupcakes for Luke's class at school-Emma Grace thought it was funny to put icing on her nose:)