Friday, December 14, 2007

It's that time of year

Well, things are very busy around here-with Christmas programs, parades, and me starting my job at the church-we have been going every day.
Here are some new pictures-warning-there are 3 months worth-so beware! :)
we had Pawpaws 60th birthday party-it was a blast
Baby Lauren can sit up all by herself and play-she has just started crawling as of last night
This is our first attempt at braiding the night before to get the wavy look for church-
not quite perfected yet:)

Emma Grace's scary face-we love it

Luke and Emma Grace being silly-what you cant really tell is that Emma Grace is squeezing the stuffing out of Luke-so he's making a squeezed out face
At our photo shoot in the fall-Luke, as all 4 year old boys do, loves bathroom humor-you can tell what he's doing-gross!

Baby Lauren got some of PawPaw's birthday cake


Our Christmas Card pic-not perfect-but close enough!!

Emma Grace wearing Mommy's glasses

Pretty Princess

Emma Grace's hair all pretty for church

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Fall Fest pics

Well, we made it thru another halloween unscathed-well, we do have some residual face paint from last night-but other than that.......

We had a great time-we went to Steven's work for a luncheon where everyone-even the grown ups were dressed up, then we came home and took a big nap-then we got re-dressed & make-uped and left for the fall festival at church-we stayed there a few hours-winning candy-dancing & jumping on the inflatables-then we left for MawMaw & PawPaw's where we met up with a few of our cousins and went trick-or treating for the first time-it was super fun!! The weather was PERFECT, and the kids really enjoyed themselves!

Here are some pictures from last night-if you can't tell-Luke-of course-was a power ranger, Emma Grace was Tinker bell(we lost her wings somewhere in the preceeding weeks), and Baby Lauren was a Bumble Bee-she actually did really good with not messing with her costume!

We're so happy it's fall and we can wear our cool winter stuff!

We're so happy we'll even hug each other-madness!

Beautiful Tinkerbell

See my pretty makeup like Mommy
The whole Trick or Treating Gang
Mid trick-or-treating

I know, I know-I am a terrible mother-but she seemed so sad without any candy of her own
And look how happy she is now!
We're half way done
All done, and back to MawMaw's to sort candy

Friday, October 26, 2007

Happy Fall Ya'll!!!

Okay-I know it has been a really long time again since I posted last, but it takes about an hour to upload photos with this new internet we have, and when you have 3 kids running around all the time-rarely do I have the time-but I will try to do better:)
Things around here have been great. It's finally gotten cold here, which I love-it makes me feel a little at home ( I grew up in Seattle). The kids seem to like it too, they have loved putting on their gloves & coats to go play outside. Luke, of course, has power ranger gloves-silliness!Grandpa & Granny (my dad & stepmom) came a few weeks ago, and we had a great time. I, unfortunately, did not use the camera as much as I should have-and have no pictures of the kids with their grandparents. Granny did take some pictures-so when I get a copy, I will post them.We are still having a GREAT time in our new house, and I still don't have pictures to put up-but I promise I will soon. We love having our own space again-and a yard to play in-it's fantabulous!! We definately feel at home here-it's a perfect first home for us-and by first home, I mean the first home that we can say is ours-not the church's.

Here are some new pics-Enjoy!

We went to the city park by where Steven works-it's fabulous! We try to go have a picnic with Daddy at least once a month. If you can see behind Luke-the caterpillar is a set of money bars/ladder type thing that you climb on-Luke climbed the whole thing by himself-people at the park were impressed by my mighty 4 year old!

Queen of the Jungle Gym

Daddy helping Emma Grace on the Monkey Bars

Emma Grace looking like a big girl with her headband on.

Picture of the kids with their outfits Granny & Grandpa gave them (Halloween)

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Emma Grace and her buddy Evan at Luke's birthday party

Oh my goodness----Luke is OBSESSED with power rangers!

Emma Grace is excited for Daddy to get home

Baby Lauren after eating prunes!

We went to the pumpkin patch yesterday (Emma Grace now has a full body rash from the hay:(

okay, I KNOW it's been forever!!! Just gimme a minute!!

Okay-we are finally settled enough that I have found my camera cords to download pictures.
We are LOVING the new house. I have been working non-stop since we moved in-changing rooms around, painting things outside, changing the deck, unpacking, doing crafty type things...etc.
The kids are loving the house too. They got all their old toys out of storage, which they were pumped about, as well as getting new beds (well, Luke got his old bed back) But Emma Grace and Lauren both got new beds. Emma Grace moved out of the crib into a full-sized bed, which she and Lauren will share when Lauren gets bigger. And Baby Lauren moved out of the bassinet (which she was WAY too big for), into her big girl crib-and all these changes without a hitch. Everybody slept thru the night right away, and have ever since. Praise God!!!
Emma Grace has also made a huge leap into big-girldom...She is officially, all the way, potty trained!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wOOOHoooo!!! Now we're down to just 1 in diapers-mucho bettero!
We now have cruddy internet service, so please be patient as I figure it out, returning e-mails later than normal, not uploading as many pictures, etc...
I have not taken any new pictures of the house yet, but I will Friday night-when I plan on having EVERYTHING finished(except the deck, which I have to wait several months to paint because the wood is treated and I have to wait for it to dry out or the paint will peel).So I will post new house pics after that.
Okay-so for some reason I cannot upload pictures-but I will keep trying, but I am gonna post this for now.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

2 more days............well, sorta

Well, we close on the new house in 2 days-excited, just a little:)

However, much to our dismay-we cannot move in until Monday:(
In the contract-the old owner has 72 hours after closing to move out. She told us a month ago that she would be out long before then-so we would be able to move right on in-well, when we got there to do the final walk-thru yesterday, lo and behold there was about half of her stuff still in there:( So she won't be all moved out until Sunday afternoon. Now, all of this after we have rented the u-haul, lined up people to help us move, set up cable, power, water, gas, etc...
So now it looks like Steven and me-muscle woman, will be moving all by our lonesomes on Monday:)So, if you have nothing to do this monday-and want to help-give us a call:)

On a much lighter note-Luke turned 4 yesterday-woohoo!!!
Granny and Grandpa sent birthday presents, and it was like a SpiderMan Christmas. He got just about everything SpiderMan you could think of. He also got some Spidy stuff from Mommy & Daddy & MawMaw & PawPaw. He was way pumped about it.
We will have his birthday party on September 30th, so we can have the party at the new house after everything has settled down a bit:) I will post pics after that!

Here are some pics of the new house-sorta hard to tell what's going on in some of them, and it's not our stuff in there-but you'll get the idea!

View from when you first walk in the front door
View of back yard from the carport
View of the den "Auburn Room" from the kitchen
View of the kitchen from the Auburn room
Our one lonely bathroom:)
Living room again from other angle
View of dining room from the Auburn Room
My Mailbox-I just think it's cute
View from Dining Room to back door
Back Deck
Luke Man with his cool new Spider Man light-up shoes
I made cupcakes for Luke's class at school-Emma Grace thought it was funny to put icing on her nose:)

Friday, August 24, 2007


No comment-just thought it was cute:)

Well, we will close on the new house in 14 days-I am a little excited about it (sarcasm noted)
Things are going well around here-busy at church and getting ready to move.
Luke is loving school-as we knew he would. His Aunt Barbara (great aunt) who is the assistand director at his preschool, told us the other day that as the were having an assembly they get different children to come up on the stage and hold the flags, bibles, etc...Well, she was trying to think of different ways to pick children to come up on stage, so she asked if anyone had a birthday coming up-and no one raised their hands, she asked if anyone had just had a birthday-no one raised their hands, after several questions with no one raising their hands-Luke shot his hand up, and when called upon shouted "I'm a Christian"-well, needless to say he got to come on stage and hold the Bible that day:)

We do need(want) a few things for the new house-if ya'll have any of these items that you want to donate to the poor-man-weems fund-let me know:)
-Microwave (black)
-Electric stove/Oven (black)
-outdoor furniture
-Blue or Pea Green vase or something like that
-brown area rug
-purple or pink area rug (girl's room)
-end tables
-book shelves (big for steven's books)
That's it:)
Here's some new pics of kiddos

My big girl-she really likes the walker (while watching baby einstein of course!)
He thinks he's too big to take naps-ha!
This is Luke and Erika-they sleep like this from about 6:30-8 every morning (these pictures may bring in money down the road (blackmail:)
My little Leeder (we are moving into the Leeds school district{where steven went to school} so we are prepping her to be a cheerleeder-green and white are the colors)