Thursday, November 01, 2007

Fall Fest pics

Well, we made it thru another halloween unscathed-well, we do have some residual face paint from last night-but other than that.......

We had a great time-we went to Steven's work for a luncheon where everyone-even the grown ups were dressed up, then we came home and took a big nap-then we got re-dressed & make-uped and left for the fall festival at church-we stayed there a few hours-winning candy-dancing & jumping on the inflatables-then we left for MawMaw & PawPaw's where we met up with a few of our cousins and went trick-or treating for the first time-it was super fun!! The weather was PERFECT, and the kids really enjoyed themselves!

Here are some pictures from last night-if you can't tell-Luke-of course-was a power ranger, Emma Grace was Tinker bell(we lost her wings somewhere in the preceeding weeks), and Baby Lauren was a Bumble Bee-she actually did really good with not messing with her costume!

We're so happy it's fall and we can wear our cool winter stuff!

We're so happy we'll even hug each other-madness!

Beautiful Tinkerbell

See my pretty makeup like Mommy
The whole Trick or Treating Gang
Mid trick-or-treating

I know, I know-I am a terrible mother-but she seemed so sad without any candy of her own
And look how happy she is now!
We're half way done
All done, and back to MawMaw's to sort candy