Friday, October 26, 2007

Happy Fall Ya'll!!!

Okay-I know it has been a really long time again since I posted last, but it takes about an hour to upload photos with this new internet we have, and when you have 3 kids running around all the time-rarely do I have the time-but I will try to do better:)
Things around here have been great. It's finally gotten cold here, which I love-it makes me feel a little at home ( I grew up in Seattle). The kids seem to like it too, they have loved putting on their gloves & coats to go play outside. Luke, of course, has power ranger gloves-silliness!Grandpa & Granny (my dad & stepmom) came a few weeks ago, and we had a great time. I, unfortunately, did not use the camera as much as I should have-and have no pictures of the kids with their grandparents. Granny did take some pictures-so when I get a copy, I will post them.We are still having a GREAT time in our new house, and I still don't have pictures to put up-but I promise I will soon. We love having our own space again-and a yard to play in-it's fantabulous!! We definately feel at home here-it's a perfect first home for us-and by first home, I mean the first home that we can say is ours-not the church's.

Here are some new pics-Enjoy!

We went to the city park by where Steven works-it's fabulous! We try to go have a picnic with Daddy at least once a month. If you can see behind Luke-the caterpillar is a set of money bars/ladder type thing that you climb on-Luke climbed the whole thing by himself-people at the park were impressed by my mighty 4 year old!

Queen of the Jungle Gym

Daddy helping Emma Grace on the Monkey Bars

Emma Grace looking like a big girl with her headband on.

Picture of the kids with their outfits Granny & Grandpa gave them (Halloween)