Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Botanical Gardens & fat girl

Well, today we went on an adventure to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens-what fun! It was super hot, but Mommy brought extra clothes so kiddos could play in the water to cool down before we left.

Daddy is still looking for a new job, so please keep him in your prayers-we have applied several places-some we never thought about before-so maybe God is leading us in a new direction:)?

Here are new pics of Baby Lauren & our trip to the gardens

Big Baby muscles

No Baby, look at ME!

Luke Man-lookin' cool

Artsy Fartsy pic of kids in fountain

More kids in fountain-not so artsy fartsy

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ear piercings, smiles & mosquito bites

Here are a few new pics from today. Yesterday Mommy & the kids went to the Galleria with one of Mommy's old college friends & her 3 kids, it was actually a fun experience. While we were there we went to a little shop for girls called "Libby Lu's, and got Emma Grace's ears pierced. She cried for about 15 seconds, bu

t then with the promise of an ice cream cone, she was fine. Luke got a mosquito bite on the back of his ear last night at Daddy's softball game, so he looks like 1/2 of a dumbo today-funny.

Baby Lauren has really gotten into smiling the past few days, finally caught some on camera

See my pretty ears


My ear is huge, I don't care:)

Big smiles for Mommy

See how big I am

Monday, May 14, 2007

new pics

Well, this last weekend was busy. Saturday for lunch Steven's whole family came over and we grilled hamburgers & hot dogs, in celebration of mother's day. later that afternoon, I got my toes done in preparation for the nights events. That night was Steven's 10 year reunion. Very exciting, well not really, but it was a night we could dress up and be without children for several hours.

Sunday we went to church and after the kids got their nap I took them to swim for a couple hours. Emma Grace is a natural swimmer. She had her little arm floaties on and that was it. She and Luke took turns diving off the diving board into the deep end and then swimming the length of the pool to me.
Lauren has started the "I'm not happy unless my Mommy is holding me" phase. Lots of fun for everyone.
Here are some new pics from this weekend
Wait a minute....Where's Mommy?
Baby Lauren & Cousin Erika
Emma Grace is getting ready too:)

Mommy & Daddy dressed & ready to go

Full Length shot

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Our busy weekend:)

Well, this past weekend Mommy & the kids ventured back to visit our friends in Hamilton. We got there Saturday afternoon and stayed til Sunday night. We stayed with our beloved Grammy & PopPop, who treated us like we were their children while we lived there, we miss them:(

We got to go play with our friends the Serena's, who have a 3 year old son Bryson-who is Lukey's bestest friend. Bryson's mommy Marla is one of Mommy's very good friends.

Sunday night was an event called "Hamilton Idol". Much like American Idol, featuring a Randy, Paula & Simon. However-the talent leaves something to be desired. It is all parody and lipsyncing (spelling?). This year I chose to portray Michael Jackson and perform "Billie Jean"-dancing & all. Hideous-yes, Hilarious-yes. As great as I was, the winner was even better. She dressed up in full outfit as Dolly Parton, and actually sang 9 to 5. It was hilarious. Shout out to Rebekah Wiginton-You deserved it!

Here are some pics of the weekend

Luke and Bryson on the tractor


You have to click to enlarge to fully appreciate this one

My wig kept falling off while dancing

Pop Pop & Emma Grace in the pool

Luke jumping in the pool

Grammy holding Baby Lauren

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Coming to Hamilton

Well, this weekend will be busy as Mommie is venturing back to Hamilton by herself with all 3 kids in tow. We are driving up Saturday around noon, and coming home Sunday night after Hamilton Idol (think American Idol only funny and with untalented people:) in which I will be performing an excellent rendition of Billie Jean by Michael Jackson-pictures are sure to follow. Here are some new pics, hope you enjoy!

Luke after uncle TyTy gave the kids a whole bag of cotton candy-Thanks alot TyTy

Baby Lauren after church Sunday morning-getting bigger everyday

Mommy looking fat, but I thought this was a funny picture of baby Lauren

Emma Grace being sweet to Baby Lauren laying on the floor

Uncle TyTy with Luke and aforementioned cotton candy

Emma Grace holding baby Lauren
Mommy & Baby Lauren at the Park
Emma Grace
Luke and his beloved new Superman lunchbag-he can't wait till he's big enough to go to school and use this thing-till then he carries around everything he wods in it-you can see it bulging:)