Tuesday, August 26, 2008

And then....

Well-it has been a long time since we have posted anything-and for that-I am to blame. Laziness-yes, bad internet connection, yes, nothing to report, maybe. So I am posting-I actually have a computer to post from-that I can upload pictures where it doesn't take 8 hours:)
Things have been busy around our house lately. Luke has started school-4K, and he loves it. It's funny watching him at school when I drop him off and pick him up. He is so different. He is quiet and calm-not that he isn't these things when he is at home-but so much more so when I see him at school. It's good though-he behaves so well while he is there-makes me a proud MaMa:) He is still Soooooo into Power Rangers-he likes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Transformers-but he LOVES Power Rangers. He will play it by himself-or he will rope Emma Grace into playing it with him. I have even seen him playing with LaLa-pretending she is the maiden to be saved. They play so well together-We are blessed.
Emma Grace is my little princess. She loves being with Mommie. She enjoys helping me cook, and loves to dress up with make-up and fingernail polish. I love it because she is like my little doll-baby that I can dress up however I want-neato! She could have started 3K this year-but the cost of having 2 in preschool-a little much. But she will be in 4K next year-and she is so mature for her age-one year of preschool should be more than enough to prepare her for "big school" (elementary)
LaLa is still my sweet baby. She still likes being treated like a baby too. Still loves her Sassy (which should be gone by now, but I can't bring myself to take away..) But she also has such an independent streak. I guess a lot of that has to do with being the 3rd child. She has to be able to fend for herself with an older brother and sister who DO NOT treat her like a baby. They love her-but will not let her get away with anything....When Luke and Emma Grace were her age-I was already very pregnant again-so they seemed like such big kids. But she still seems like such a baby to me-but I love it-until I get pregnant again...:)
We do have another puppy. Alex is 9 months old now-pretty much full grown (which means-huge!)
One morning we woke up to a blonde puppy on our front porch. Me-knowing better-put food out because he was obviously hungry. So of course he didn't go anywhere. He stayed out there for a few days-until one Wednesday night I got home from church and Steven said "Alex kept climbing the fence to play with the puppy-so I just put him in the backyard" So-that was it. I put up signs in the neighborhood-but no one replied. So we have a new Puppy-Hurkey. Luke named him-where he got the name Hurkey from-I don't know-but I think it's cute...He is about 4 months old-the two puppies get along wonderfully-and Hurkey is great with the kids!

Please keep our family in your prayers as we seek what God would have for us..

Here are some pictures-now that I have rambled for 10 years.....

Sweet Picture of LaLa when we went to the park with MiMi and Dude in AR
The Super-Cool Spider-Man slide that Dude bought and sent to us-we love it!

Luke on his first day of school (and this haircut was NOT on purpose, Emmy had a barber-shop moment with Luke in the bathroom-Mommie had to shave his head...>(
I just thought this was funny-and Steven wouldn't want it on here...heehee
Emma Grace and Aunt Hannie
Mommie and Luke and Emmy in the Lake in AR with Granny & Grandpa
LaLa just liked playing in the sand:)
Luke-again with the Power Rangers...;)
Emma Grace at the Park in AR
Sweet LaLa after the Water-Slide
I love this Kid
Such a pretty little lady
In the end-they really do love each other!