Monday, May 14, 2007

new pics

Well, this last weekend was busy. Saturday for lunch Steven's whole family came over and we grilled hamburgers & hot dogs, in celebration of mother's day. later that afternoon, I got my toes done in preparation for the nights events. That night was Steven's 10 year reunion. Very exciting, well not really, but it was a night we could dress up and be without children for several hours.

Sunday we went to church and after the kids got their nap I took them to swim for a couple hours. Emma Grace is a natural swimmer. She had her little arm floaties on and that was it. She and Luke took turns diving off the diving board into the deep end and then swimming the length of the pool to me.
Lauren has started the "I'm not happy unless my Mommy is holding me" phase. Lots of fun for everyone.
Here are some new pics from this weekend
Wait a minute....Where's Mommy?
Baby Lauren & Cousin Erika
Emma Grace is getting ready too:)

Mommy & Daddy dressed & ready to go

Full Length shot


melissalee said...

you look so pretty in those pictures! I kinda know how you feel about Lauren not wanting anyone but you, Natalie is doing that with me now even when Jamie is home it's sweet but hard all at the same time! Lauren is getting so big I better hurry up and come down there before she turns one! :)