Sunday, May 24, 2009


Okay, I know every post I open up with how sorry I am for not posting in such a long time....well, who am I to break tradition. SORRY!!! :)

A few things have happened since I last posted.

#1-We are going to have another BABY!!!! Sometime around the beginning of the year baby #4 will be joining the fam. Troy Douglas is the name for the boy, and we haven't come up with a girl name yet-we are taking suggestions. I just started feeling icky 2 days ago-but no peuking yet, so we will see how that goes.

#2-LaLa is pretty much potty trained

#3-Luke starts big school kindergarten in the fall, needless to say he is a little bit excited

#4-Emma Grace will start 4k kindergarten in the fall-she is super excited to get to start school

#5-My brother is getting married August 8th to his girlfriend of 8 years, Andrea Tinsley. Luke is the ring bearer, and Emmy is the flower girl. They are so excited!!

Things are going great in Stevenson. I still miss my friends terribly, and get kinda bored at the house, but we love the church-and Steven loves his job. The church is really growing-and we are seeing God do great things in this small town.

Here are some pictures of the past few months-sorry again that it's been so long!!

The fam at Easter (luke and LaLa were ready for lunch-not more pictures for the love!!)

Luke and Emmy ay the church Easter Egg hunt

Luke and his cousin/best friend Gabriel at the family Easter party

The girls at the Birmingham Botanical gardens (nice fake smiles girls:)


Anonymous said...

cute children hey keep update on our blog thanks from your sister in christ Rachel.