Sunday, July 08, 2007

Okay-here is the picture of our new house. Okay, okay- I know it looks ugly on the outside-but a new coat of paint on the house and deck-and it will be darling. The inside is WAY cute, and the yard is to die for! It is a 3 bedroom one bath (double vanity), with a living room, dining room, kitchen, laundry room, and den(Auburn room:). It has a huge covered deck that runs the length of the house in the backyard, 3 huge pecan trees with perfect branches for a tire swing, and a cute little garden for me to try my green thumb out:)

After much prayer and consideration-Steven and I decided to go way cheaper with our house budget-so we would not be "house poor", and we found this darling little house (actually not that little-1700 Sq Ft). God knew just what we needed right now for our family. Anyway- I will post new pics after we paint it-it will look much different.

We will close on it September 7th, and move in that day-so the countdown is on-57 days!!!


hal morgan said...

what a great answer to prayer.this house is so cute and looks great right now.i moved the picture to my desktop as a reminder to thank the lord for this answered prayer and for my family in alabama........GO HOGS !!!-GRANDPA

melissalee said...

I'm so excited for yall!!! I had a feeling everything was going to work out! I love the house and I don't think there is anything wrong with it just like it is! I'm so happy for yall and I can't wait to come visit!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!