Sunday, November 30, 2008

we are here! (and have been:)

Well, we have officially moved to Stevenson!
Things here are still a little crazy-and with no internet, I have not been able to post. But hopefully after our house sells we will have a little extra money for me to be able to get internet at the house!
Things are going very well, he kids are adjusting great and the dog is too!
Our house is huge-so that is nice. the kids have lots of room to run around!
Steven is really liking his job-it is just what he feels led to do right now.
I am missing my friends-but I'm sure with time I will make new friends up here...

It is Sunday school time right now-so I can't write for long-but here is a cute picture of the kids with santa.

We want visitors-so come see us!!!


Andy said...

cute santa pic. little guy got as red as santa's coat when we took him to see santa. i need to go and pick up the pic and post it

Elizabeth, Nerd about all things WW2. said...

Glad you're there and getting settled Ab. It's never fun unpacking but decorated a new house can be fun! Miss ya'll too.

Elizabeth, Nerd about all things WW2. said...

Hey Ab! I need your new address to mail you a Christmas card! email me!