Thursday, March 27, 2008

How do you house train kids???

Okay-so my dog is better behaved than my kids are these days. Today I attempted to clean (and how is it that just when I think I have gotten all the laundry done-There are at least 2 more loads that have magically appeared in the hamper?) and in the midst of the cleaning-my kids decided to tear up some styrofoam out on the back porch and pretend it was snowing. And of course this styrofoam has static cling-so it is nearly impossible to clean. So then I had the brilliant idea of vacuuming the kids to get the styrofoam off of them. Worked like a charm-but then they thought it was so much fun-they went out and made themselves a mess again. Sigh.

Baby Lauren thinks she is a puppy now. She wants to be in the dog crate-and throws a fit when I don't let her eat puppy chow-what a mean mother I am.

She still looks so tiny. She is in the 90th percentile for height-and the 25th for weight. She just looks a lot younger than she is-but it's cute.


gimmegodiva said...

HI!! I found you through jma blog! Glad you are doing well- 4 kids ( I included the dog in that number!) Wow! I have a pic of Holden in a dog cage-- he loved it!